[ De-virtualization ]

Sometimes malware attempts to hinder reverse engineering by implementing a virtual machine which runs custom bytecode. These challenges are designed to test your ability to reverse engineer & manipulate custom bytecode.



vm1.exe implements a simple 8-bit virtual machine (VM) to try and stop reverse engineers from retrieving the flag. The VM’s RAM contains the encrypted flag and some bytecode to decrypt it. Can you figure out how the VM works and write your own to decrypt the flag? A copy of the VM’s RAM has been provided in ram.bin (this data is identical to the ram content of the malware’s VM before execution and contains both the custom assembly code and encrypted flag).

Rules & Information:

  • You are not require to run vm1.exe, this challenge is static analysis only.
  • Do not use a debugger or dumper to retrieve the decrypted flag from memory, this is cheating.
  • Analysis can be done using the free version of IDA Pro (you don’t need the debugger).

In this challenge we are given 2 files, vm1.exe and ram.bin. let’s look into ram.bin first:


As stated in the description above, this ram.bin is a copy of the VM’s RAM, so for now it is impossible to understand it. Let’s move to vm1.exe, and here is detect it easy result:


It’s using C/C++, so i opened Ghidra to disassemble and decompile it. Let’s start by analyzing the entrypoint function using Ghidra decompiler:

void entry(void)

  HANDLE hHeap;
  char *lpText;
  DWORD dwFlags;
  SIZE_T dwBytes;
  MD5 local_94 [144];
  dwBytes = 0x1fb;
  dwFlags = 0;
  hHeap = GetProcessHeap();
  DAT_0040423c = (char *)HeapAlloc(hHeap,dwFlags,dwBytes);
  lpText = MD5::digestString(local_94,DAT_0040423c);
  MessageBoxA((HWND)0x0,lpText,"We\'ve been compromised!",0x30);
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

An address allocated heap is stored in DAT_0040423C, 0x1FB bytes of data from DAT_00404040 are copied into it, then that data will be hashed and the hash will be displayed in a messagebox. Let’s see what data is in DAT_00404040:


It turns out that this data is identical to ram.bin, so now let’s name it vm_ram.

This vm_ram is copied in [ DAT_0040423C ], and there is no processing of this data in this entrypoint function, so it might be done in another function.

Now let’s analyze FUN_004022e0 called in this entrypoint function:

void FUN_004022e0(void)

  byte bVar1;
  uint uVar2;
  byte bVar3;
  byte local_5;
  local_5 = 0;
  do {
    uVar2 = (uint)local_5;
    bVar1 = local_5 + 1;
    bVar3 = local_5 + 2;
    local_5 = local_5 + 3;
    uVar2 = FUN_00402270((uint)*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + uVar2),(uint)*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + (uint)bVar1),*(undefined *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + (uint)bVar3));
  } while ((uVar2 & 0xff) != 0);

Ok, there is a do-while loop, and FUN_00402270 is called in it, just remember that DAT_0040423c is a pointer to vm_ram data, and that data is accessed as 3 parameters for FUN_00402270.

From Ghidra decompiler result above, the first and second parameters access the vm_ram data in the size of a byte.

*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + uVar2)         // first parameter
*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + (uint)bVar1)   // second parameter

But for the third parameter, accessed size is undefined.

*(undefined *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + (uint)bVar3)

Let’s see the assembly code for the above pseudo-code:

MOVZX   EAX, byte ptr [EBP + local_5]
MOV     ECX, dword ptr [DAT_0040423c]
MOVZX   EDX, byte ptr [ECX + EAX*0x1 + 0xff]

Here in the third line, we know that the accessed size for the third parameter is a byte. So all three parameters both access vm_ram with the size of a byte.

All parameters will read vm_ram data based on offset 0xFF plus with their respective pointers, and the loop itself will move those pointers forward. Let me explain it like this:

// first loop
*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + 0)  // 1st parameter
*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + 1)  // 2nd parameter
*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + 2)  // 3rd parameter

// second loop
*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + 3)  // 1st parameter
*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + 4)  // 2nd parameter
*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + 0xff + 5)  // 3rd parameter

// and so on

So here in the do-while loop, FUN_00402270 is called and will read **vm_ram data per 3 bytes sequentially starting at offset 0xff, and the loop will breaks when FUN_00402270 returns zero.

Let’s look into FUN_00402270:

undefined4 FUN_00402270(int param_1,int param_2,undefined param_3)

  if (param_1 == 1) {
    *(undefined *)(DAT_0040423c + param_2) = param_3;
  else if (param_1 == 2) {
    param_1 = DAT_0040423c + param_2;
    DAT_00404240 = *(byte *)param_1;
  else {
    if (param_1 != 3) {
      return param_1 & 0xffffff00;
    param_1 = DAT_0040423c + param_2;
    *(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + param_2) = *(byte *)param_1 ^ DAT_00404240;
  return CONCAT31((int3)((uint)param_1 >> 8),1);

Because there are no other functions called from this function, this is the last function that needs to be analyzed.

This function performs 3 tasks based on the parameters passed:

// task #1
*(undefined *)(DAT_0040423c + param_2) = param_3;

// task #2
param_1 = DAT_0040423c + param_2;
DAT_00404240 = *(byte *)param_1;

// task #3
param_1 = DAT_0040423c + param_2;
*(byte *)(DAT_0040423c + param_2) = *(byte *)param_1 ^ DAT_00404240;

And because this function parameter is from vm_ram, i guessed that this function is where VM’s custom bytecode is executed.

Based on this function, i’ll write a python script to emulate the VM, but before that, there is an undefined access size in task #1, and this must be made clear first to emulate the VM identically. To do that, let’s see the assembly code:

MOV   ECX, dword ptr [DAT_0040423c]
ADD   ECX, dword ptr [EBP + param_2]
MOV   DL, byte_ptr [EBP + param3]
MOV   byte ptr [ECX], DL

Ok, in the last line, we know that the accessed size in task #1 is in the size of a byte, and now here’s my python script to emulate the VM and save the result in result.bin:

file1 = open("ram.bin", "rb")
data = bytearray(file1.read())
i = 0
while True:
    p1 = data[i + 0xff]
    p2 = data[i + 1 + 0xff]
    p3 = data[i + 2 + 0xff]
    if p1 == 1:
        data[p2] = p3
    elif p1 == 2:
        p4 = data[p2]
        if p1 != 3:
        data[p2] = data[p2] ^ p4
    i = i + 3

file2 = open("result.bin", "wb")

Run the script then opened result.bin in hex editors:


Got an interesting string here that has the flag’s format, and let’s check it out:


Yep, FLAG{VMS-ARE-FOR-MALWARE} is the flag.

Challenge source: https://www.malwaretech.com/challenges/windows-reversing/vm1